常寂光寺の記事タイトル画像(Jojakko-ji Temple)

Jojakko-ji Temple (常寂光寺) is a Buddhist temple belonging to the Nichiren Sect located in Sagano, Kyoto City, Kyoto Prefecture.

FUJIWARA no Teika is said to have built Ogura villa in this area and selected Ogura Hyakunin Isshu (the Ogura’s Sequence of One Hundred Poems by One Hundred Poets) in the villa.

Therefore, this temple is said to be one of the places where Ogura Hyakunin Isshu was selected.

It is also famous for its beautiful autumn leaves.

History of Jojakko-ji

常寂光寺の山門の扁額(Jojakko-ji Temple)

It was founded as a temple of the Nichiren sect by Nisshin who was the 16th head priest of Honkoku-ji in 1596 of the Azuchi Momoyama period.

It is located in the Mt. Ogura where FUJIWARA no Teika compiled the anthology called ‘Ogura Hyakunin Isshu (小倉百人一首)’.

In the Azuchi Momoyama period, Guest Hall of the Fushimi-jo Castle was moved to this temple by Hideaki KOBAYAKAWA who was a daimyo (Japanese feudal lord) and became temple’s main hall.

About Jojakko-ji

常寂光寺の石碑(Jojakko-ji Temple)


Address 3, Sagaogurayama Oguracho, Kyoto Shi Ukyo Ku, Kyoto Fu, 616-8397, Japan
Phone +81-75-861-0435
Foundation 1596
Founder Nisshin (日禎)
Sect Nichiren Sect (日蓮宗)
Principal image Jukkai Great Mandala (十界大曼荼羅)


General visits 9:00 – 17:00 (last admission at 16:30)
Special night visits (Mid December) 17:00 – 20:30  (last admission at 20:00)

Admission Fee

Junior high school students or older 500 yen
Elementary school students 200 yen

Temple’s Website

Other information

・It is information as of December, 2019.

・Please ask temple’s staff where you can take photos and videos.

・Worship method of a shinto shrine and a buddhist temple, please refer to the following article.

常寂光寺のパンフレット(Jojakko-ji Temple)

Next, let’s see highlights of this temple with me!

Highlights of Jojakko-ji

This mark (*) is a pay area. 

山門(San-mon gate)

常寂光寺の山門(San-mon gate of Jojakko-ji Temple)

San-mon gate was rebuilt in the late Edo period.

仁王門*(Nio-mon gate)*

常寂光寺の仁王門(Nio-mon gate of Jojakko-ji Temple)

常寂光寺の仁王像(Statues of the Deva Kings of Jojakko-ji Temple)Nio-mon gate served originally as the south entrance to the Guest Hall (Kyakuden) of Honkoku-ji temple which was built during the Jowa era (1345-1349).

And it was moved to this temple in 1616 of the Edo period and made into the Nio-mon gate.

本堂*(Hon-do hall)*

常寂光寺の本堂(Hon-do hall of Jojakko-ji)

Hon-do hall was built in the Keicho era (1596-1615).

It served originally as the Guest Hall of the Fushimi-jo Castle.

妙見堂*(Myoken-do hall)*

常寂光寺の妙見堂(Myoken-do hall of Jojakko-ji Temple)

In the Myoken-do hall, the Myoken Bodhisattva, considered to be an incarnation of the Polaris and the Big Dipper, is enshrined.

多宝塔【重要文化財】*(Taho-to pagoda【Important cultural property】)*

常寂光寺の多宝塔(Taho-to pagoda of Jojakko-ji)

Taho-to pagoda was built in 1620 of the Edo period and designated as an Important cultural property.

開山堂*(kaizan-do hall)*

常寂光寺の開山堂(Kaizan-do hall of Jojakko-ji Temple)

展望台*(Viewing platform)*

常寂光寺の展望台(Viewing platform of Jojakko-ji Temple)

歌仙祠*(Small Shrine for Great poets)*

常寂光寺の歌仙祠(Small Shrine for Great poets in Jojakko-ji Temple)

FUJIWARA no Teika and FUJIWARA no Ietaka, the famous poets of the Kamakura period, are enshrined in this small shrine.

時雨亭跡*(Ruins of the Shigure-tei)*

常寂光寺の時雨亭跡(Ruins of the Shigure-tei in Jojakko-ji Temple)

鐘楼*(Bell tower)*

常寂光寺の鐘楼(Bell tower of Jojakko-ji Temple)

Shoro (Bell tower) was built in 1642 of the Edo period.


常寂光寺の庫裏(Kuri of Jojakko-ji Temple)


常寂光寺の黒べえ(Cat of jojakko-ji Temple, 'Kurobe'.)

The black cat named ‘Kurobe’ lives in the precincts.

Illumination event of Jojakko-ji


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In Arashiyama, illuminations event called “Kyoto Arashiyama Hanatouro” is held around mid December every year.

Autumn leaves of Jojakko-ji

The best season of autumn leaves is from late November to early December.

Movie of Jojakko-ji

Photos of Jojakko-ji


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Goshuin (Red ink stamp) of Jojakko-ji

常寂光寺の御主題/御朱印(Goshuin of Jojakko-ji Temple)

常寂光寺の御主題/御朱印(Goshuin of Jojakko-ji Temple)

We can get these goshuin at the entrance. (300 yen)

How to get to Jojakko-ji

Nearest station isHankyu Arashiyama Line Arashiyama Station’, ‘Randen Arashiyama Station’ and ‘JR Saga-Arashiyama Station’.

We can also go by bus from Kyoto Station, Kyoto Kawaramachi Station and Gion-shijo Station.

From Osaka Umeda Sta. to Arashiyama Sta. (by train)

Timetable and Route Search (train)

1.Get on the Hankyu Kyoto Line from Osaka Umeda Station to Katsura Station and change to the Hankyu Arashiyama Line.

2.Get on the Hankyu Arashiyama Line from Katsura Station to Arashiyama Station.

From Namba Sta. to Arashiyama Sta. (by train)

Timetable and Route Search (train)

1.Get on the Osaka Metro Midosuji Line from Namba Station to Umeda Station and change to the Hankyu Kyoto Line.

1.Get on the Hankyu Kyoto Line from Osaka Umeda Station to Katsura Station and change to the Hankyu Arashiyama Line.

2.Get on the Hankyu Arashiyama Line from Katsura Station to Arashiyama Station.

From Kyoto Sta. to Saga-Arashiyama Sta. (by train)

Timetable and Route Search (train)

1.Get on the JR Sagano (Sanin Main) Line from Kyoto Station to Saga-Arashiyama Station.

From Arashiyama Sta. to Jojakko-ji (on foot).

It’s about 40 minutes (2km) on foot.

Get on a bus from Kyoto Station

Timetable and Route Search (bus)

Please get on a Kyoto City Bus No.28 bound for Daikakuji Temple Via Arashiyama at Kyoto Sta. C6 bus stop and get off Saga Shogakko-mae bus stop.

Bus company:Kyoto City Bus
Routes/Destination:No.28[Bound for Daikakuji Temple Via Arashiyama]
Boarding bus stop:Kyoto Sta. C6
Alighting bus stop:Saga Shogakko-mae
Bus fare:230 yen
Time required:About 48 min

Get on a bus from Kyoto Kawaramachi Station

Timetable and Route Search (bus)

Please get on a Kyoto City Bus No.11 bound for Saga Arashiyama at Shijo Kawaramachi D bus stop and get off Saga Shogakko-mae bus stop.

Bus company:Kyoto City Bus
Routes/Destination:No11[Bound for Saga Arashiyama]
Boarding bus stop:Shijo Kawaramachi D
Alighting bus stop:Saga Shogakko-mae
Bus fare:230 yen
Time required:About 47 min

Get on a bus from Gion-shijo Station

Timetable and Route Search (bus)

Please get on a Kyoto City Bus No.11 bound for Saga Arashiyama at Shijo Keihan-mae C bus stop and get off Saga Shogakko-mae bus stop.

Bus company:Kyoto City Bus
Routes/Destination:No11[Bound for Saga Arashiyama]
Boarding bus stop:Shijo Keihan-mae C
Alighting bus stop:Saga Shogakko-mae
Bus fare:230 yen
Time required:About 50 min

Take a taxi

From Kyoto Station:about 5,000 yen (30 minutes)

From Arashiyama Station:about 1,000 yen (10 minutes)

・Let’s show a taxi driver the following phrase.

・If you want to call a taxi, let’s show the following phrase.


・Phone number of taxi dispatch (Around Kyoto Sta.)

・Phone number of taxi dispatch (Around Hankyu Arashiyama Sta.)

Hotel search & reservation around Jojakko-ji

How did you like it?

Have a nice trip!