祇王寺の記事タイトル画像(Gio-ji Temple)

Gio-ji Temple (祇王寺) is a Buddhist temple of the Daikakuji school of the Shingon sect located in Ukyo Ward, Kyoto City.

It has a beautiful moss garden, and the whole area of the precinct turns green every year in late July.

In addition, it is the temple which became the stage of the story ‘Gio’ described in the Heike Monogatari (The Tale of the Heike) (Section 6 in the volume 1) here.

History of Gio-ji

祇王寺の歴史を刻むこま札(Gio-ji Temple)

It was founded in the Heian period by Ryochin who an influential disciple of Honen.

It was originally a temple of the Jodo sect.

In the late Heian period, Gio, Hotoke-gozen, a dancing girl, who won TAIRA no Kiyomori’s favor, entered as a priestess.

Details of the above story can be found in a passage of the Heike Monogatari.

Therefore, this temple has a history as a nunnery.

When the temple was revived in the Meiji era, this temple was converted to the Shingon sect Daikaku-ji school.

About Gio-ji

祇王寺の境内(Precincts of Gio-ji)


Address 32, Sagatoriimoto Kozakacho, Kyoto Shi Ukyo Ku, Kyoto Fu, 616-8435, Japan
Phone +81-75-861-3574
Foundation Heian period
Founder Ryochin
Sect Shingon Sect Daikaku-ji School (真言宗大覚寺派)
Principal image Dainichi Nyorai (大日如来)


9:00-17:00 (entry permitted until 16:30)

Admission Fee

Adults 300 yen
High school students or younger 100 yen
Shared admission ticket (Daikakuji + Gio-ji) 600 yen

Regular admission fee of Daikaku-ji Temple is 500 yen and Giou-ji Temple is 300 yen for a total of 800 yen.

Shared admission to both temples with this ticket is only 600 yen.

Temple’s Website

Other information

・It is information as of March, 2019.

・Please ask temple’s staff where you can take photos and videos.

・Worship method of a shinto shrine and a buddhist temple, please refer to the following article.

祇王寺の拝観券(Gio-ji Temple)

Next, let’s see highlights of this temple with me!

Highlights of Gio-ji

    This mark (*) is a pay area. 

    山門*(San-mon gate)*

    祇王寺の山門(San-mon gate of Gio-ji Temple)

    苔庭*(Moss garden)*

    祇王寺の苔庭(Garden of Gio-ji Temple)

    The moss garden of this temple turns green in late July!!

    本堂*(Hon-do hall)*

    祇王寺の本堂(Hon-do hall of Gio-ji Temple)

    Hon-do hall was rebuilt in 1895 of the Meiji period using funds donated by Kunimichi KITAGAKI who was the governor of Kyoto Prefecture after the Meiji Restoration.

    祇王寺の祇王と祇女の像(Gio-ji Temple)
    *This picture is taken from a temple’s brochure.

    Gio, Gijo (Gio’s younger sister), the character of the Heike Monogatari, is enshrined in the main hall.

    吉野窓*(Yoshino-mado window)*

    祇王寺の吉野窓(Yoshinomado window of Gio-ji Temple)

    This window is called Yoshino-mado window because Yoshino dayu who was a famous geisha liked it.

    宝篋印塔*(Hokyoin-to pagoda)*

    祇王寺の宝篋印塔(Hokyoin-to pagoda of Gio-ji Temple)

    This pagoda is a grave of Gio (Taira Kiyomori’s concubine), Gijo (Gio’s younger sister) and Toji (Gio’s mother).

    祇王寺祇女桜*(Gijozakura cherry tree)*

    祇王寺の祇王寺祇女桜(Cherry tree of Gio-ji Temple)

    The scientific name of a cherry tree planted at this temple is ‘Cerasus jamasakura ‘Gijozakura’’.

    It comes from Gio and Gijo.

    Moss of Gio-ji


    Image 1 of 6

    The best season of moss is late July.

    Autumn leaves of Gio-ji


    Image 1 of 4


    The best season of autumn leaves is from late November to early December.

    Video of Gio-ji

    Photo of Gio-ji


    Image 1 of 12

    Goshuin (Red ink stamp) of Gio-ji

    祇王寺の御朱印(Goshuin of Gio-ji Temple)

    Gio-ji’s red ink stamp is ‘Dainichi Nyorai (大日如来)’ which is the principal image of this temple.

    We can get it at the entrance. (300 yen)

    How to get to Gio-ji

    Nearest station is ‘Hankyu Arashiyama Line Arashiyama Station’, ‘Randen Arashiyama Station’ and ‘JR Saga-Arashiyama Station’.

    We can also go by bus from Kyoto Station, Kyoto Kawaramachi Station and Gion-shijo Station.

    From Osaka Umeda Sta. to Arashiyama Sta. (by train)

    Timetable and Route Search (train)

    1.Get on the Hankyu Kyoto Line from Osaka Umeda Station to Katsura Station and change to the Hankyu Arashiyama Line.

    2.Get on the Hankyu Arashiyama Line from Katsura Station to Arashiyama Station.

    From Namba Sta. to Arashiyama Sta. (by train)

    Timetable and Route Search (train)

    1.Get on the Osaka Metro Midosuji Line from Namba Station to Umeda Station and change to the Hankyu Kyoto Line.

    1.Get on the Hankyu Kyoto Line from Osaka Umeda Station to Katsura Station and change to the Hankyu Arashiyama Line.

    2.Get on the Hankyu Arashiyama Line from Katsura Station to Arashiyama Station.

    From Kyoto Sta. to Saga-Arashiyama Sta. (by train)

    Timetable and Route Search (train)

    1.Get on the JR Sagano (Sanin Main) Line from Kyoto Station to Saga-Arashiyama Station.

    From Arashiyama Sta. to Gio-ji (on foot).

    It’s about 50 minutes (2.5 km) on foot.

    Get on a bus from Kyoto Station

    Timetable and Route Search (bus)

    Please get on a Kyoto City Bus No.28 bound for Daikakuji Temple Via Arashiyama at Kyoto Sta. C6 bus stop and get off Saga Shogakko-mae bus stop.

    Bus company:Kyoto City Bus
    Routes/Destination:No.28[Bound for Daikakuji Temple Via Arashiyama]
    Boarding bus stop:Kyoto Sta. C6
    Alighting bus stop:Saga Shogakko-mae
    Bus fare:230 yen
    Time required:About 48 min

    Get on a bus from Kyoto Kawaramachi Station

    Timetable and Route Search (bus)

    Please get on a Kyoto City Bus No.11 bound for Saga Arashiyama at Shijo Kawaramachi D bus stop and get off Saga Shogakko-mae bus stop.

    Bus company:Kyoto City Bus
    Routes/Destination:No11[Bound for Saga Arashiyama]
    Boarding bus stop:Shijo Kawaramachi D
    Alighting bus stop:Saga Shogakko-mae
    Bus fare:230 yen
    Time required:About 47 min

    Get on a bus from Gion-shijo Station

    Timetable and Route Search (bus)

    Please get on a Kyoto City Bus No.11 bound for Saga Arashiyama at Shijo Keihan-mae C bus stop and get off Saga Shogakko-mae bus stop.

    Bus company:Kyoto City Bus
    Routes/Destination:No11[Bound for Saga Arashiyama]
    Boarding bus stop:Shijo Keihan-mae C
    Alighting bus stop:Saga Shogakko-mae
    Bus fare:230 yen
    Time required:About 50 min

    Take a taxi

    From Kyoto Station:about 5,000 yen (30 minutes)

    From Arashiyama Station:about 1,000 yen (10 minutes)

    ・Let’s show a taxi driver the following phrase.

    ・If you want to call a taxi, let’s show the following phrase.


    ・Phone number of taxi dispatch (Around Kyoto Sta.)

    ・Phone number of taxi dispatch (Around Hankyu Arashiyama Sta.)

    Hotel search & reservation around Gio-ji

    How did you like it?

    Have a nice trip!