二尊院の紹介記事タイトル画像(Nison-in Temple)

Nison-in Temple (二尊院), official name is ‘Ogurasan Nisonkyo-in Kedai-ji Temple’, is a Tendai Sect Buddhist temple located in Ukyo Ward, Kyoto City.

It is located in the quiet place of Northern Arashiyama, and is also one of the Saga-Arashiyama’s three great monzeki (a high ranking) temple along with Tenryu-ji Temple and Daikaku-ji Temple.

FUJIWARA no Sadaie is said to have built Shigure-tei villa in this area and selected Ogura Hyakunin Isshu (Hundred Poems by One Hundred Poets) in the villa.

History of Nison-in

二尊院の歴史を刻むこま札(Nison-in Temple)

It was founded by Jikaku Daishi Ennin at the imperial order by Emperor Saga in the Jowa era (834-847) of the Heian period.

So, it is one of the Saga-Arashiyama’s three great monzeki (a high ranking) temple.

Originally it was a temple which could learn four doctrines (Tendai Sect, Shingon Sect, Ritsu Sect and Jodo Sect) but was converted to the Tendai sect in the Meiji period.

Two budda images (Shaka Nyorai and Amida Nyorai) are enshrined in the main hall.

Because ‘Two budda images’ is ‘Nison (二尊)’ in Japanese, this temple is called ‘Nison-in Temple’.

About Nison-in

二尊院の総門(So-mon gate of Nison-in Temple)


Address 27, Saganisonimmonzen Chojincho, Kyoto Shi Ukyo Ku, Kyoto Fu, 616-8425, Japan
Phone +81-75-861-0687
Foundation 841 (Heian period)
Founder Ennin (円仁)
Sect Tendai Sect (天台宗)
Principal image Shaka Nyorai (釈迦如来) / Amida Nyorai (阿弥陀如来)



Admission Fee

Junior high school students or older 500 yen
Elementary school students or younger Free

Temple’s Website

Other information

・It is information as of March, 2019.

・Please ask temple’s staff where you can take photos and videos.

・Worship method of a shinto shrine and a buddhist temple, please refer to the following article.

二尊院のパンフレット(Brochure of Nison-in Temple)

Next, let’s see highlights of this temple with me!

Highlights of Nison-in

This mark (*) is a pay area. 

総門(So-mon gate)

二尊院の総門(So-mon gate of Nison-in Temple)

It was relocated from Fushimi-jo castle in 1613 of the early Edo period and was designated a Cultural Property of the City of Kyoto.

紅葉の馬場*(Riding ground)*

二尊院の紅葉の馬場(Riding ground of Nison-in Temple)

There is a long, large approach to the temple in the precincts.

It was used as a riding ground in old days.

二尊院の紅葉の馬場(Riding ground of Nison-in Temple)

Because the autumn leaves are beautiful in autumn, it is also called ‘Riding ground of autumn leaves’.

西行法師庵の跡*(Saigyo-an Hermitage site)*

二尊院の西行法師庵の跡(Saigyo-an Hermitage site of Nison-in Temple)

There is the Saigyo-an Hermitage site on the approach.

Saigyo was a great Waka poet from the end of the Heian Period to the beginning of the Kamakura Period.

黒門*(Kuro-mon gate)*

二尊院の黒門(Kuro-mon gate of Nison-in Temple)

Kuro-mon gate has the role of the side gate of this temple.

勅使門*(Chokushi-mon gate)*

二尊院の勅使門(Chokushi-mon gate of Nison-in Temple)

Chokushi-mon gate has a role of the front gate of this temple.

It was rebuilt in 1521 of the Muromachi period using funds donated by Sanetaka SANJONISHI who was famous as the greatest man of culture of the Muromachi period.

竜神遊行の庭*(Ryujin-yugyo-no-niwa garden)*

二尊院の竜神遊行の庭(Ryujin-yugyo-no-niwa garden of Nison-in Temple)

本堂*(Hon-do hall)*

二尊院の本堂(Hon-do hall of Nison-in Temple)

It was rebuilt in 1521 of the Muromachi period using funds donated by Sanetaka SANJONISHI who was famous as the greatest man of culture of the Muromachi period.

二尊院のご本尊(Principal image of Nison-in Temple)
*The image is quotation from a brochure.

Shaka Nyorai (釈迦如来) and Amida Nyorai (阿弥陀如来) are enshrined into the main hall.

寂光園*(Jakko-en garden)*

二尊院の寂光園(Jakko-en garden of Nison-in Temple)

御園亭*(Misono-tei (Tea-house))*

二尊院の御園亭(Misono-tei tea house of Nison-in Temple)

It is said to be the dressing hall of the princess of Emperor Gomizunoo that was relocated to its current site.

It has the role of the tea-ceremony room now, only open to the public on specific days in spring and autumn.

六道六地蔵の庭*(Garden of the Roku Jizo (six Jizo))*

二尊院の六道六地蔵の庭(Garden of the Roku Jizo (six Jizo) in Nison-in Temple)

六地蔵(Six jizo of Nison-in Temple)

Rokudo is a Buddhist term and it means six posthumous worlds to which the souls of the dead transmigrate, and Jizo Bosatsu relieve each of the six worlds.

位牌堂*(Ihai-do hall)*

二尊院の位牌堂(Ihai-do hall of Nison-in Temple)

弁天堂*(Benten-do hall)*

二尊院の弁天堂(Benten-do hall of Nison-in Temple)

Kuzuryu Benzaiten (God that Benzaiten transformed herself into a dragon) is enshrined in the hall.

鐘楼/しあわせの鐘*(Bell tower / Bell of happiness)*

二尊院の鐘楼/しあわせの鐘(Bell tower / Bell of happiness of Nison-in Temple)

二尊院の鐘楼/しあわせの鐘(Bell tower / Bell of happiness of Nison-in Temple)

湛空廟/法然上人廟*(Mausoleum of Tanku / Honen)*

二尊院の湛空廟/法然上人廟(Mausoleum of Tanku / Honen of Nison-in Temple)

It is the grave of Tanku (Third chief priest of this temple) and Honen (Founder of the Jodo Sect).

時雨亭跡*(Ruins of the Shigure-tei)*

二尊院の時雨亭跡(Ruins of the Shigure-tei in Nison-in Temple)

FUJIWARA no Sadaie is said to have built Shigure-tei villa in this area and selected Ogura Hyakunin Isshu (Hundred Poems by One Hundred Poets) in the villa.

旧三帝陵*(Mausoleums of three emperors)*

二尊院の旧三帝陵(Mausoleums of three emperors in Nison-in Temple)

These are the mausoleums of Emperor Tsuchimikado, Emperor Gosaga and Emperor Kameyama.

八社ノ宮*(Hassha-no-miya shrine)*

二尊院の八社ノ宮(Hassha-no-miya shrine in Nison-in Temple)

Because this is the direction of Kimon (demons’ gate) in the precincts, Eight gods are enshrined here.

角倉了以像*(The statue of Ryoi SUMINOKURA)*

二尊院の角倉了以像*(The statue of Ryoi SUMINOKURA in Nison-in Temple)*

Ryoi SUMINOKURA (1554 – 1614) was a wealthy merchant in Kyoto, and he made many canals in Kyoto.

小倉餡発祥之地の石碑*(Stone monument of ‘the place of ogura-an’s birth’)*

二尊院の小倉餡発祥之地の石碑(Stone monument of 'the place of ogura-an's birth')

The area around this temple and Mt. Ogura is said to be the birthplace of ogura-an (sweet azuki bean paste containing both mashed and whole beans).


二尊院の四季庵(Shiki-an of Nison-in Temple)

We can eat a sweets made using ogura-an in the temple’s teahouse, ‘Shiki-an’.

Autumn leaves of Nison-in


Image 1 of 5


The best season of autumn leaves is from late November to early December.

Video of Nison-in

Photos of Nison-in


Image 18 of 19

Goshuin (Red ink stamp) of Nison-in

二尊院の御朱印(Goshuin of Nison-in Temple)

二尊院の御朱印(Goshuin of Nison-in Temple)

We can get these goshuin at the reception desk of the main hall. (300 yen)

How to get to Nison-in

Nearest station is ‘Hankyu Arashiyama Line Arashiyama Station’, ‘Randen Arashiyama Station’ and ‘JR Saga-Arashiyama Station’.

We can also go by bus from Kyoto Station, Kyoto Kawaramachi Station and Gion-shijo Station.

From Osaka Umeda Sta. to Arashiyama Sta. (by train)

Timetable and Route Search (train)

1.Get on the Hankyu Kyoto Line from Osaka Umeda Station to Katsura Station and change to the Hankyu Arashiyama Line.

2.Get on the Hankyu Arashiyama Line from Katsura Station to Arashiyama Station.

From Namba Sta. to Arashiyama Sta. (by train)

Timetable and Route Search (train)

1.Get on the Osaka Metro Midosuji Line from Namba Station to Umeda Station and change to the Hankyu Kyoto Line.

1.Get on the Hankyu Kyoto Line from Osaka Umeda Station to Katsura Station and change to the Hankyu Arashiyama Line.

2.Get on the Hankyu Arashiyama Line from Katsura Station to Arashiyama Station.

From Kyoto Sta. to Saga-Arashiyama Sta. (by train)

Timetable and Route Search (train)

1.Get on the JR Sagano (Sanin Main) Line from Kyoto Station to Saga-Arashiyama Station.

From Arashiyama Sta. to Nison-in (on foot).

It’s about 40 minutes (2km) on foot.

Get on a bus from Kyoto Station

Timetable and Route Search (bus)

Please get on a Kyoto City Bus No.28 bound for Daikakuji Temple Via Arashiyama at Kyoto Sta. C6 bus stop and get off Saga Shogakko-mae bus stop.

Bus company:Kyoto City Bus
Routes/Destination:No.28[Bound for Daikakuji Temple Via Arashiyama]
Boarding bus stop:Kyoto Sta. C6
Alighting bus stop:Saga Shogakko-mae
Bus fare:230 yen
Time required:About 48 min

Get on a bus from Kyoto Kawaramachi Station

Timetable and Route Search (bus)

Please get on a Kyoto City Bus No.11 bound for Saga Arashiyama at Shijo Kawaramachi D bus stop and get off Saga Shogakko-mae bus stop.

Bus company:Kyoto City Bus
Routes/Destination:No11[Bound for Saga Arashiyama]
Boarding bus stop:Shijo Kawaramachi D
Alighting bus stop:Saga Shogakko-mae
Bus fare:230 yen
Time required:About 47 min

Get on a bus from Gion-shijo Station

Timetable and Route Search (bus)

Please get on a Kyoto City Bus No.11 bound for Saga Arashiyama at Shijo Keihan-mae C bus stop and get off Saga Shogakko-mae bus stop.

Bus company:Kyoto City Bus
Routes/Destination:No11[Bound for Saga Arashiyama]
Boarding bus stop:Shijo Keihan-mae C
Alighting bus stop:Saga Shogakko-mae
Bus fare:230 yen
Time required:About 50 min

Take a taxi

From Kyoto Station:about 5,000 yen (30 minutes)

From Arashiyama Station:about 1,000 yen (10 minutes)

・Let’s show a taxi driver the following phrase.

・If you want to call a taxi, let’s show the following phrase.


・Phone number of taxi dispatch (Around Kyoto Sta.)

・Phone number of taxi dispatch (Around Hankyu Arashiyama Sta.)

Hotel search & reservation around Nison-in

How did you like it?

Have a nice trip!