
Let’s go to the famous tourist attraction in early morning!! “Part1” is ・・・ Osaka Castle!!

Osaka Castle is one of the three great castles in Japan.
It is popular among the tourists from the foreign countries as a famous tourist attraction. d(*゚ー゚*)

But, Osaka Castle is crowded very much recently even on weekdays because it is very popular.
It sometimes wait for more than one hour to admission to the castle tower…

Therefore I introduce the time when Osaka Castle is not crowded.
The recommended time is an early morning!
It is not crowded until 9:00 when the castle tower opens.

What do you say to taking a walk early in the morning by Osaka Castle?


  1. Are there really few people early in the morning?
  2. Recommended time
  3. Recommended walk route
  4. Recommended photography spot

1.Are there really few people early in the morning?

Are there really few people early in the morning? I went and really confirmed it.

This is the fountain Square of the Osaka Castle Park entrance.

This is the Tamatsukuri Gate.

Was it how you expected?
April 2 is the weekend (Saturday). In addition, a cherry tree is time in full blossom.
This day will be crowded very much. However, it isn’t crowded at 7:30 of the morning.

Castle tower square is also not crowded.

Because it is not crowded early in the morning, the photography of the wedding ceremony may be carried out.


Let’s get up early in the morning and go for a walk to Osaka Castle! ( *´艸`)

2.Recommended time

Osaka Castle begins to be crowded from around 9:00 when the castle tower opens.
Recommended schedule is here.↓

~AM 7:00:Nearest station arrival
AM 7:00~AM 9:00:morning walk(1 lap of the Osaka Castle Park is approximately 90 minutes on foot.)
AM 9:00~:Admission to the castle tower

Shop is also open from about 9:00.

3.Recommended walk route

This root is the distance of approximately 4.5km.(Morinomiya station is the starting point.)

4.Recommended photography spot

The expert photographer (more than ten years of photography experience of Osaka-jo Castle) taught me the recommended photography spot of Osaka-jo Castle.
The place of the spot are described in a map.

Point A: East Outer Moat

Point B: Ichiban Turret

Point C: Inner Moat&Building group of OBP
Point D: Sakura Gate with Cherry blossoms
Point E: Osaka Castle with Cherry blossoms
Point F: The front of Osaka Castle
Point G: Takoishi
Point H: Sakura Gate with Cherry blossoms
Point I: Sakura Gate with Cherry blossoms
Point J: Rokuban Turret
Point K: Tamon Turret
Point L: Sengan Turret
Point M: Inui Turret
Point N: Osaka Castle and the guardian dogs
Point O: Osaka Castle with Cherry blossoms
Point P: The back of Osaka Castle
Point Q: Osaka Castle with Cherry blossoms
Point R: Osaka Castle with Cherry blossoms
Point S: Osaka Castle and Gokuraku Bridge

How did you like it?

Please try to go to this temple.

Have a nice trip! XD

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