Shorin-in Temple is a Tendai Sect Buddhist temple, main-temple of the Jikko-in Temple, located in Ohara, Sakyo Ward, Kyoto City.
The principal image (honzon) is Amida Nyorai.
Religious debates, s0-called Ohara Mondo, were held in this Temple in 1186 of the Kamakura period.
History of Shorin-in
Let’s study the history of this temple with me.
I think that we can enjoy sightseeing of this temple more by learning the history of it. XD
Shorin-in is said that it was built in 1013 of the Heian period by Jakugen (寂源) who was a Buddhist priest of the Tendai sect.
Religious debates, s0-called Ohara Mondo, were held in this Temple in 1186 of the Kamakura period.
However, it was destroyed by the repeated fires of the conflict between the Sanmon (Enryaku-ji Temple) and Jimon (Onjo-ji / Mii-dera Temple), so-called ‘Sanmon-Jimon battle’ in the Kamakura period.
Main temple and other buildings were restored during the Edo period using funds donated by Kasuga-no-Tsubone who was a wet nurse of Iemitsu TOKUGAWA.
Information for visitors
Address:187, Ohara Shorinincho, Kyoto Shi Sakyo Ku, Kyoto Fu, 601-1241, Japan
Phone:+81-75-744-2537 or +81-744-2409
Foundation:835 (restored in 1013)
Restorer:Jakugen (寂源)
Sect:Tendai Sect (天台宗)
Principal image:Amida Nyorai (阿弥陀如来)
9:00 ~ 16:30
Admission Fee
High school students or older | Elementary and junior high school students |
300 yen | 200 yen |
Other Informations
Inside the building, there are places where photography is prohibited. (Please follow the official’s instructions.)
The worship method of a shinto shrine and a buddhist temple, please refer to the following article.
Next, let’s go to see the highlights of this temple with me!
Highlights of Shorin-in
- 本堂*:Hon-do hall*
- 鐘楼/梵鐘【重要文化財】*:Shoro (Bell tower)【Important cultural property】*
- 山王社/観音堂*:Sanno-sha/Kannon-do hall*
- 宝篋印塔【重要文化財】*:Hokyoin-to pagoda【Important cultural property】*
- 西林院跡地*:Ruins of the Sairin-in*
- 平井乙麿の歌碑*:Monument inscribed with a poem*
- 弁天堂*:Benten-do hall*
- 最胤親王の墓*:Grave of Imperial Prince Saiin*
This mark 「*」 is a pay area.
本堂*:Hon-do hall*
Hon-do hall was built during the Kanei era (1621 – 1645) using funds donated by Kasuga-no-Tsubone.
However, it was destroyed in the fire.
So, it was rebuit in 1778 of the Edo perild.

Amida Nyorai, designated as a registered cultural property by Kyoto City, is enshrined in the building.
鐘楼/梵鐘【重要文化財】*:Shoro (Bell tower)【Important cultural property】*
Shoro (Bell tower) was built during the Kanei era (1621 – 1645) using funds donated by Kasuga-no-Tsubone.
The bell, designated as an important cultural property, was made in the Heian period.
山王社/観音堂*:Sanno-sha/Kannon-do hall*
The left hand side of the picture is Sanno-sha Shrine, enshrined deity is local deity of this temple.
The right hand side of the picture is Kannon-do hall, enshrined deity is Sacred Kannon.
宝篋印塔【重要文化財】*:Hokyoin-to pagoda【Important cultural property】*
Hokyoin-to pagoda, designated as an important cultural property, was made in the Kamakura period.
西林院跡地*:Ruins of the Sairin-in*
Here was the temple dedicated to Amitabha in old days.
平井乙麿の歌碑*:Monument inscribed with a poem*
「苔の上を まろぶがごとく 流れゆく 呂律(りょりつ)の里の 弥陀の声明」
Here we can hear the melody of the priest that is like a river flowing above a moss.
弁天堂*:Benten-do hall*
Benzaiten is enshrined in this small hall.
最胤親王の墓*:Grave of Imperial Prince Saiin*
Prince Saiin was the 8th prince born to Imperial Prince Kunisuke FUSHIMINOMIYA.
He served as the 169rd Tendai-zashu (the head priest of the Tendai sect) for 28 years.
Autumn leaves of Shorin-in
The precincts of this temple is also famous for its autumn leaves.
The best season of autumn leaves is late November to early December.
Video of Shorin-in
Photos of Shorin-in
Goshuin (Red ink stamps) of Shorin-in
Shorin-in’s red ink stamp (goshuin), ‘Ohara Mondo (大原問答).’
How to get to Shorin-in
The nearest station is Kyoto Bus Ohara bus stop.
It is about 15 minutes on foot from Ohara bus stop.
We recommend that you go to Kokusaikaikan Station by a train, and get on a bus from Kokusaikaikan Station.
From Osaka Sta. to Kokusaikaikan Sta. (by train)
Timetable and Route Search (train)
1.Get on the JR Kyoto Line from Osaka Station to Kyoto Station.
2.Change to the Kyoto City Subway Karasuma Line at Kyoto Station.
3.Get on the Kyoto City Subway Karasuma Line from Kyoto Station to Kokusaikaikan Station.
From Namba Sta. to Kokusaikaikan Sta. (by train)
Timetable and Route Search (train)
1.Get on the Osaka Metro Midosuji Line from Namba Station to Umeda (Osaka) Station.
2.Get on the JR Kyoto Line from Osaka Station to Kyoto Station.
3.Change to the Kyoto City Subway Karasuma Line at Kyoto Station.
4.Get on the Kyoto City Subway Karasuma Line from Kyoto Station to Kokusaikaikan Station.
From Namba Sta. to Kokusaikaikan Sta. (by train)
Timetable and Route Search (train)
1.Get on the Kyoto City Subway Karasuma Line from Kyoto Station to Kokusaikaikan Station.
Get on a bus from Kokusaikaikan Station
Timetable and Route Search (bus)
Please get on a bus No.19 (bus stop 3).
[Timetable] Kyoto Bus No. 19
Bus company:Kyoto Bus
Routes/Destination:No.19 [Bound for Ohara・Kodeishi]
Boarding bus stop:Kokusaikaikan Sta. [3]
Alighting bus stop:Ohara
Bus fare:350 yen
Time required:About 22 min
Get on a bus from Keihan Demachiyanagi Station
Timetable and Route Search (bus)
Please get on a bus No.16 or No.17 (bus stop C).
[Timetable] Kyoto Bus No. 16 / 17
Bus company:Kyoto Bus
Routes/Destination:No.16 /17 [Bound for Ohara]
Boarding bus stop:Demachiyanagi Sta.[C]
Alighting bus stop:Ohara
Bus fare:430 yen
Time required:About 33 min
Get on a bus from Hankyu Kawaramachi Station
Timetable and Route Search (bus)
Please get on a bus No.17 (bus stop ‘To North’).
[Timetable] Kyoto Bus No. 17
Bus company:Kyoto Bus
Routes/Destination:No.17 [Bound for Ohara]
Boarding bus stop:Shijo Kawaramachi [To north]
Alighting bus stop:Ohara
Bus fare:520 yen
Time required:About 52 min
Get on a bus from JR/Subway Kyoto Station
Timetable and Route Search (bus)
Please get on a bus No.17 (bus stop C3).
[Timetable] Kyoto Bus No. 17
Bus company:Kyoto Bus
Routes/Destination:No.17 [Bound for Ohara]
Boarding bus stop:Kyoto Sta. [C3]
Alighting bus stop:Ohara
Bus fare:550 yen
Time required:About 68 min
From Ohara bus stop (on foot)
It is about 20 minutes (700 meters) on foot from Ohara bus stop.
Take a taxi
From Kyoto Station:about 6600 yen (40 minutes)
From Gion-Shijo Station:about 5900 yen (35 minutes)
From Kokusaikaikan Station:about 3500 yen (20 minutes)
・Let’s show a taxi driver the following phrase.
・If you want to call a taxi, let’s show the following phrase.
[Phone number of taxi dispatch : Around the Kyoto Station]*Japanese text only.
Hotel search & reservation
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Have a nice trip! XD