鹿王院の記事タイトル画像(Rokuo-in Temple)

Rokuo-in Temple (鹿王院) is an independent Buddhist temple under the Rinzai Sect group located in Ukyo-ku Ward, Kyoto City.

There are a landscape garden incorporating the scenery of Arashiyama and Shari-den Hall (a hall which houses a relic or bone of the Buddha).

It’s close to Arashiyama but not crowded.

History of Rokuo-in

鹿王院の歴史を刻むこま札(Rokuo-in Temple)

Rokuo-in Temple was founded in 1380 of the Muromachi period by Shunoku Myoha who was the Yoshimitsu Ashikaga’s zen instructor.

It has a history as a sub-temple of Hodo-Zenji Temple which was built by Yoshimitsu Ashikaga and burned down by Onin War.

Rokuo-in also declined by Onin War, but was revived in 1667 of the Edo period.

About Rokuo-in

鹿王院の看板(Rokuo-in Temple)


Address 24, Saga Kitaboricho, Kyoto Shi Ukyo Ku, Kyoto Fu, 616-8367, Japan
Phone +81-75-861-1645
Foundation 1380 (Muromachi Period)
Founder Shunoku Myoha (春屋妙葩)
Sect Independent Buddhist temple under the Rinzai Sect group
Principal image Shaka Nyorai (釈迦如来)



Admission Fee

High school students or older 400 yen
Junior and senior high school students 200 yen

Parking lot

Free parking space for 4 cars

Other information

・It is information as of April, 2019.

・Please ask temple’s staff where you can take photos and videos.

・Worship method of a shinto shrine and a buddhist temple, please refer to the following article.

鹿王院のパンフレット(Rokuo-in Temple)

Next, let’s see highlights of this temple with me!

Highlights of Rokuo-in

    This mark (*) is a pay area. 

    山門(San-mon gate)

    鹿王院の山門(San-mon gate of Rokuo-in Temple)

    It was built in 1380 of the Muromachi period, the only original building left at this temple.

    鹿王院の山門の扁額(San-mon gate of Rokuo-in Temple)

    The tablet on the gate reads ‘Kakuyuzan (覚雄山)’ which is the sango (mountain name) of this temple.

    This letter was written by Yoshimitsu Ashikaga (足利義満), the third shogun of the Muromachi Shogunate.

    参道(Approach to the temple)

    鹿王院の参道(Approach to the Rokuo-in Temple)

    鎮守社(Chinju-sha Shrine)

    鹿王院の鎮守社(Chinju-sha Shrine of the Rokuo-in Temple)

    鹿王院の鎮守社(Chinju-sha Shrine of the Rokuo-in Temple)

    It is one of the Shinto shrine on Buddhist temple grounds dedicated to the tutelary deity of the area.

    中門(Chu-mon gate)

    鹿王院の中門(Chu-mon gate of the Rokuo-in Temple)

    前庭(Front garden)

    鹿王院の前庭(Front garden of the Rokuo-in Temple)


    鹿王院の庫裏(Kuri of the Rokuo-in Temple)

    Kuri is a building that serves as the temple kitchen and office.

    It was rebuilt in the Kanbun era (1661 – 1673) of the Edo period.

    本庭*(Hontei garden)*

    鹿王院の本庭(Garden of the Rokuo-in Temple)

    Hon-tei garden is the flat dry landscape garden incorporating the scenery of Arashiyama at the front of the reliquary hall is covered with moss and decorated with stone arrangements and shrubs.

    It is designated as a registered cultural property (Places of Scenic Beauty) by Kyoto City.

    客殿*(Kyaku-den hall)*

    鹿王院の客殿(Kyaku-den hall of the Rokuo-in Temple)

    Kyaku-den hall has a role as the reception / guest hall.

    It was rebuilt in 1890 of the Meiji period.

    鹿王院の客殿(Kyaku-den hall of the Rokuo-in Temple)

    The tablet on the building reads ‘Rokuoin (鹿王院)’ which is the name of this temple.

    This letter was written by Yoshimitsu Ashikaga (足利義満), the third shogun of the Muromachi Shogunate.

    本堂*(Hon-do hall)*

    鹿王院の本堂(Hon-do hall of the Rokuo-in Temple)

    Temple buildings are connected by roofed walkways.

    鹿王院の本堂(Hon-do hall of the Rokuo-in Temple)

    Shaka Nyorai (principal image), Shunoku Myoha (the Kaisan, founder) and Yoshimitsu Ashikaga (the Kaiki, founding patron) are enshrined into the Hon-do hall.

    舎利殿*(Shari-den hall)*

    鹿王院の舎利殿(Shari-den hall of the Rokuo-in Temple)

    Shari (舎利) means Buddha’s ashes.

    So, Shari-den hall is a hall which houses a relic or bone of the Buddha.

    鹿王院の舎利殿(Shari-den hall of the Rokuo-in Temple)

    It was built in 1763 of the Edo period and is also said to have become the model of Kinkaku-ji Temple‘s Shari-den hall.

    鹿王院の舎利殿(Shari-den hall of the Rokuo-in Temple)

    Shari (Buddha’s ashes) is enshrined inside the Zushi in the Hall.

    鹿王院の舎利殿(Shari-den hall of the Rokuo-in Temple)

    The Four Heavenly Kings protect the Zhshi.

    Nehan-zu (image of a recumbent Buddha) is also displayed in the hall.

    茶室「芥室」*(Kaishitsu (Tea house))*

    鹿王院の茶室(Tea house of the Rokuo-in Temple)

    There are Kaishitsu (Tea house) in the back of the Kyaku-den hall.

    後庭/茶庭*(Back garden)*

    鹿王院の茶室(Tea house of the Rokuo-in Temple)

    The tea house garden is called Ato-niwa (back garden).

    Autumn leaves of Rokuo-in


    Image 2 of 2


    The best season of autumn leaves is from late November to early December.

    Video of Rokuo-in

    Photo of Rokuo-in


    Image 1 of 18

    Goshuin (Red ink stamp) of Rokuo-in

    鹿王院の御朱印(Goshuin of the Rokuo-in Temple)

    Rokuo-in’s red ink stamp is ‘Butsuge Shariden (佛牙舎利殿)’ which means Shari-den hall.

    We can get these goshuin at the entrance. (300 yen)

    How to get to Rokuo-in

    Nearest station is ‘Randen Arashiyama Mail Line Rokuoin Station’ or ‘JR Sanin Main Line Saga-Arashiyama Station’.

    We can also go by bus from Kyoto Station, Kyoto Kawaramachi Station and Gion-shijo Station.

    From Osaka Umeda Sta. to Rokuoin Sta. (by train)

    Timetable and Route Search (train)

    1.Get on the Hankyu Kyoto Line from Osaka Umeda Station to Saiin Station and change to the Randen Arashiyama Line.

    If you get on the ‘Limited Express’, you need to transfer at Katsura Station. (Limited Express train does not stop at Saiin Station.)

    2.Get on the Randen Arashiyama Line from Sai Station to Rokuoin Station.

    From Namba Sta. to Rokuoin Sta. (by train)

    Timetable and Route Search (train)

    1.Get on the Osaka Metro Midosuji Line from Namba Station to Umeda Station and change to the Hankyu Kyoto Line.

    2.Get on the Hankyu Kyoto Line from Osaka Umeda Station to Saiin Station and change to the Randen Arashiyama Line.

    If you get on the ‘Limited Express’, you need to transfer at Katsura Station. (Limited Express train does not stop at Saiin Station.)

    3.Get on the Randen Arashiyama Line from Sai Station to Rokuoin Station.

    From Kyoto Sta. to Saga-Arashiyama Sta. (by train)

    Timetable and Route Search (train)

    1.Get on the JR Sagano (Sanin Main) Line from Kyoto Station to Saga-Arashiyama Station.

    From Rokuoin Sta. to Gio-ji (on foot).

    It’s about 5 minutes (300m) on foot.

    Get on a bus from Kyoto Station

    Timetable and Route Search (bus)

    Please get on a Kyoto Bus No.73 bound for Kokedera Temple, Suzumushidera Temple at Kyoto Sta. C6 bus stop and get off Shimo-Saga bus stop.

    Bus company:Kyoto Bus
    Routes/Destination:No.73[Bound for Kokedera Temple, Suzumushidera Temple]
    Boarding bus stop:Kyoto Sta. C6
    Alighting bus stop:Shimo-Saga
    Bus fare:230 yen
    Time required:About 42 min

    Get on a bus from Kyoto Kawaramachi Station

    Timetable and Route Search (bus)

    Please get on a Kyoto City Bus No.11 bound for Saga Arashiyama at Shijo Kawaramachi D bus stop and get off Saga Shimo-Saga bus stop.

    Bus company:Kyoto City Bus
    Routes/Destination:No11[Bound for Saga Arashiyama]
    Boarding bus stop:Shijo Kawaramachi D
    Alighting bus stop:Shimo-Saga
    Bus fare:230 yen
    Time required:About 41 min

    Get on a bus from Gion-shijo Station

    Timetable and Route Search (bus)

    Please get on a Kyoto City Bus No.11 bound for Saga Arashiyama at Shijo Keihan-mae C bus stop and get off Shimo-Saga bus stop.

    Bus company:Kyoto City Bus
    Routes/Destination:No11[Bound for Saga Arashiyama]
    Boarding bus stop:Shijo Keihan-mae C
    Alighting bus stop:Shimo-Saga
    Bus fare:230 yen
    Time required:About 48 min

    Take a taxi

    From Kyoto Station:about 3,900 yen (30 minutes)

    From Arashiyama Station:about 650 yen (10 minutes)

    ・Let’s show a taxi driver the following phrase.

    ・If you want to call a taxi, let’s show the following phrase.


    ・Phone number of taxi dispatch (Around Kyoto Sta.)

    ・Phone number of taxi dispatch (Around Hankyu Arashiyama Sta.)

    Hotel search & reservation around Rokuo-in

    How did you like it?

    Have a nice trip!