Kifune-jinja Shrine

Kifune-jinja Shrine (貴船神社) is a Shinto shrine located in Sakyo Ward, Kyoto City.

It is one of the shrines on the exceptional list called ‘Beppyo-jinja Shrine’ of the Association of Shinto Shrines and is the head shrine of the approximately 450 Kifune-jinja Shrines throughout Japan.

Because Iwanagahime no Mikoto (磐長姫命) that is famous as a god of matchmaking is enshrined in the precincts, it is also famous as a sacred place for matchmaking and marriage.

History of Kifune-jinja Shrine

Kifune-jinja Shrine

It is not known with certainty when the shrine was founded.

But, according to shrine legend, it was founded during the reign of Emperor Hanzei of the Kofun (tumulus) period.

The oldest remodeling of a Shinto shrine main building is recorded to have taken place circa 666 of the Asuka period.

The precincts of the shrine are currently divided into three sanctuaries called Hon-gu, Naka-miya, and Oku-miya.

A Dragon God called ‘Takaokami no kami / Kuraokami no kami’, the god of water, is enshrined in Moto-miya and Oku-miya.

Iwanagahime no Mikoto that is famous as a god of matchmaking is enshrined in Naka-miya.

About Kifune-jinja Shrine

Kifune-jinja Shrine


Address 180, Kurama Kibunecho, Kyoto Shi Sakyo Ku, Kyoto Fu, 601-1112, Japan
Phone +81-75-741-2016
Foundation unknown
Enshrined deity

[Moto-miya / Oku-miya] Takaokami no kami / Kuraokami no kami

[Naka-miya] Iwanagahime no Mikoto


May – November 6:00 – 20:00
December-April 6:00 – 18:00

Admission Fee


Parking lot

For 10 cars in Moto-miya (500 yen / 2 hours)

For 15 cars in Oku-miya (500 yen / 2 hours)

Other information

・It is information as of January, 2017.

・Please ask temple’s staff where you can take photos and videos.

・Worship method of a shinto shrine and a buddhist temple, please refer to the following article.

Kifune-jinja Shrine

Next, let’s see highlights of this shrine with me!

Information for visitors

Official order of worship is “Moto-miya (本宮)” → “Oku-miya (奥宮)” → “Naka-miya (中宮)”.

Highlights of Kifune-jinja Shrine

[Moto-miya (本宮)]

[Naka-miya (中宮)]

[Oku-miya (奥宮)]

[Hongu (本宮)]

Kifune-jinja Shrine

Hongu (本宮) is located in the south side and is the main place of this shrine.

Main enshrined deity is Taka-Okami-no-Kami (高龗神), a Ryujin (龍神:dragon god), and it has the divine favor of water and rain.

一の鳥居:Ichi-no-torii (first torii gate)

Kifune-jinja Shrine

二の鳥居:Ni-no-torii (second torii gate)

Kifune-jinja Shrine

南参道:South approach

Kifune-jinja Shrine

南門:South Gate

Kifune-jinja Shrine

拝殿:Hai-den (Worship Hall)

Kifune-jinja Shrine

本殿:Hon-den (Main hall)

Kifune-jinja Shrine

A Dragon God called ‘Takaokami no kami’, the god of water, is enshrined in this building.


Kifune-jinja Shrine

It is the building which becomes the temporary house when God moves.


Kifune-jinja Shrine

It has a role of the rest house for worshipers.


Kifune-jinja Shrine

It is a building to cleanse mind and body before a Shinto priest performs Shinto ritual.

授与所:Conferment hall

Kifune-jinja Shrine

We can buy a Goshuin and talismans in this building.


It is a building for cleaning hands and rinsing mouth.

絵馬発祥の社:Monument of votive-horse-tablet’s birth

Kifune-jinja Shrine

It is known as the birthplace of the Ema (a votive horse tablet).

ご神木:Sacred tree (katsura tree)

Kifune-jinja Shrine

It is a Katsura-tree which has the 30 meters high and over 400 years old.

石庭:Sekitei (Stone Garden)

Kifune-jinja Shrine

It designed by Mirei SHIGEMORI (重森三玲) who is a famous garden designer of the Showa period.

御神水:Gojinsui (Sacred water)

Kifune-jinja Shrine

There is a spring water called Gojinsui (Sacred water) in front of Hai-den hall.

北門:North Gate

Kifune-jinja Shrine

北参道:North approach

Kifune-jinja Shrine

三の鳥居:San-no-torii (third torii gate)

Kifune-jinja Shrine

[Naka-miya (中宮)]

Kifune-jinja Shrine

It’s about 10 minutes (500 meters) on foot from Moto-miya (本宮).

Enshrined deity is Iwanagahime no Mikoto (磐長姫命) that has a divine favor of matchmaking (marriage).


Kifune-jinja Shrine

Iwanagahime no Mikoto (磐長姫命) is enshrined in this building.

和泉式部の歌碑:Monument inscribed with a poem of Izumi Shikibu

Kifune-jinja Shrine

This is a monument inscribed with a tanka poem of Izumi Shikibu (和泉式部).

「ものおもへば 沢の蛍も わが身より あくがれいづる 魂かとぞみる」

(Monomoheba Sawa-no-hotaru-mo Wagamiyori Akugareizuru Tamakatozomiru)

It expressed loneliness not to be able to meet her husband.


Kifune-jinja Shrine

It has a shape of the ship and dedicated as a sacred ship of Iwanagahime no Mikoto (磐長姫命) enshrined in this Shinto shrine in 1996.

[Oku-miya (奥宮)]

Kifune-jinja Shrine

It’s about 15 minutes (800 m) on foot from Hongu (本宮).

Main enshrined deity is Kura-Okami-no-Kami (闇龗神), a Ryujin (龍神:dragon god), and it has the divine favor of water and rain.

相生の杉:Aioi-no-sugi (Aioi cedar)

Kifune-jinja Shrine

This is a sacred cedar tree of Okumiya (奥宮) which is called “Aioi-no-sugi (相生の杉:Aioi cedar)“.

The kanji called “Aioi(相生)” has a meaning of “A couple helps each other and lives”.

奥宮鳥居:Oku-no-miya Torii

Kifune-jinja Shrine

思ひ川:Omoi-gawa river

Kifune-jinja Shrine

Before reaching the Shinto Shrine, visitors are required to go through a purification ritual to make their bodies and spirits fresh.

So, it is said that Izumi Shikibu (和泉式部) went through a purification ritual to make her bodies and spirits fresh here.

つつみヶ石:Tsutsumi-ga-ishi stone

Kifune-jinja Shrine

The huge stone put beside an approach to Okumiya is called “Tsutsumi-ga-ishi stone (つつみヶ石)“.

奥宮参道:Approach to Okumiya

Kifune-jinja Shrine

神門:Shin-mon Gate (Shrine Gate)

Kifune-jinja Shrine

拝殿:Hai-den (Worship hall)

Kifune-jinja Shrine

It is a building for worship and prayer.

本殿:Hon-den (Main hall)

Kifune-jinja Shrine

A Dragon God called ‘Kuraokami no kami’, the god of water, is enshrined in this building.


Kifune-jinja Shrine

It is the place which becomes the temporary place when God moves.

御船形石:Ofunagata-ishi stone

Kifune-jinja Shrine

This huge stone has a shape of the ship and is said to be a sacred ship which “Tamayori-hime (玉依姫)” used.

吸葛社:Suikazura-sha shrine

Kifune-jinja Shrine

Ajisukitakahikone-no-mikoto (味耜高彦根命), God of agriculture and thunder, is enshrined in this sub-shrine.

鈴市社:Suzuichi-sha Shrine

Kifune-jinja Shrine

Himetataraisuzuhime-no-mikoto(媛蹈鞴五十鈴媛命) who is a wife of Emperor Jinmu (神武天皇) is enshrined in this sub-shrine.

日吉社:Hiyoshi-sha Shrine

Kifune-jinja Shrine

Omononushi-no-mikoto (大物主命), God of Mountains, is enshrined in this sub-shrine.

連理の杉:Renri-no-sugi (Cedar of the eternal love)

Kifune-jinja Shrine

Left side of this tree is cedar, and right side is maple.

Because Renri (連理) means that two kinds of different trees become one tree, it is said that this tree has divine favor of the harmonious marriage.

Video of Kifune-jinja Shrine

Photo of Kifune-jinja Shrine


Image 1 of 23

Goshuin (Red ink stamp) of Kifune-jinja Shrine

Goshuin of the Kifune-jinja Shrine

Goshuin of the Kifune-jinja Shrine

We can also get it in a conferment hall. (300 yen)

How to get to Kifune-jinja Shrine

Nearest station is Eizan Railway Kurama Line Kibuneguchi Station.

We can also go by bus from Kyoto City Subway Kokusaikaikan (Kyoto International Conference Center) Station.

From Osaka Sta. to Kibuneguchi Sta. (by train)

Timetable and Route Search (train)

1.Get on the JR Kyoto Line from Osaka Station to Kyoto Station and change to the JR Nara Line.

2.Get on the JR Nara Line from Kyoto Station to Tofukuji Station and change to the Keihan Main Line.

3.Get on the Keihan Main Line from Tofukuji Station to Demachiyanagi Station and change to the Eizan Railway Kurama Line.

4.Get on the Eizan Railway Kurama Line from Demachiyanagi Station to Kibuneguchi Station.

From Namba Sta. to Kibuneguchi Sta. (by train)

Timetable and Route Search (train)

1.Get on the Osaka Metro Midosuji Line from Namba Station to Yodoyabashi Station and change to the Keihan Main Line.

2.Get on the Keihan Main Line from Yodoyabashi Station to Demachiyanagi Station and change to the Eizan Railway Kurama Line.

3.Get on the Eizan Railway Kurama Line from Demachiyanagi Station to Kibuneguchi Station.

From Kyoto Sta. to Kibuneguchi Sta. (by train)

Timetable and Route Search (train)

1.Get on the JR Nara Line from Kyoto Station to Tofukuji Station and change to the Keihan Main Line.

3.Get on the Keihan Main Line from Tofukuji Station to Demachiyanagi Station and change to the Eizan Railway Kurama Line.

4.Get on the Eizan Railway Kurama Line from Demachiyanagi Station to Kibuneguchi Station.

From Kibuneguchi Sta. to Kibune-jinja Shrine (on foot).

It’s about 50 minutes (2.4 km) on foot.

Get on a bus from Kibuneguchi Station

Timetable and Route Search (bus)

Please get on a Kyoto Bus No.33 bound for Kibune at Kibuneguchi Station bus stop and get off Kibune bus stop.

Bus company:Kyoto Bus
Routes/Destination:No.33[Bound for Kibune]
Boarding bus stop:Kibuneguchi Station
Alighting bus stop:Kibune
Bus fare:170 yen
Time required:About 5 min

Get on a bus from Kokusaikaikan Station

Timetable and Route Search (bus)

Please get on a Kyoto Bus No.52 bound for Kurama Onsen at Kokusaikaikan Sta. No.3 bus stop and get off Kibuneguchi bus stop.

Bus company:Kyoto Bus
Routes/Destination:No.52[Bound for Kurama Onsen]
Boarding bus stop:Kokusaikaikan Sta. No.3
Alighting bus stop:Kibuneguchi
Bus fare:280 yen
Time required:About 20 min

Take a taxi

From Kyoto Station:about 7,000 yen (40 minutes)

・Let’s show a taxi driver the following phrase.


・If you want to call a taxi, let’s show the following phrase.


・Phone number of taxi dispatch (Around Kyoto Sta.)

Hotel search & reservation around Kifune-jinja Shrine

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Have a nice trip!