Daigo-ji Temple is a temple with the largest area in temples and shrines of Kyoto. There are a lot of buildings that have been designated a national treasure.
In 874, Rigen Daishi Shobo, a second generation disciple of Kukai, built Daigo-ji Temple on Kasatori-yama Mountain (located in Kyoto Prefecture).
There is the history more than 1, 100 years.
Daigo-ji Temple is placed on the World Heritage List as part of the cultural assets of ancient capital of Kyoto.
- World Heritage ‘Historic Monuments of Ancient Kyoto’
- About Daigo-ji Temple
- Kami Daigo and Shimo Daigo
- Highlights of Kami Daigo
- Highlights of Shimo Daigo
- Goshuin of Daigo-ji Temple
- How to get to Daigo-ji Temple
1.World Heritage ‘Historic Monuments of Ancient Kyoto’
17 places of temples and shrines of Kyoto are designated in ‘Historic Monuments of Ancient Kyoto’.
↓Details of the “Historic Monuments of Ancient Kyoto” is here.↓
2.About Daigo-ji Temple
Daigo-ji (醍醐寺 Daigo-ji) is a Shingon Buddhist temple in Fushimi-ku, Kyoto, Japan. Its main devotion (honzon) is Yakushi. Daigo, literally “ghee”, is used figuratively to mean “crème de la crème” and is a metaphor of the most profound part of Buddhist thoughts.
Daigo-ji was founded in the early Heian period. In 874, Rigen-daishi (Shōbō) founded the temple.
After having fallen ill and abdicated in 930, Emperor Daigo entered Buddhist priesthood at this temple. As a monk, he took the Buddhist name Hō-kongō; and shortly thereafter, died at the age of 46. He was buried in the temple, which is why his posthumous name was Daigo.[
3.Kami Daigo and Shimo Daigo
Daigo-ji Temple is divided into “Kami Daigo” and “Shimo Daigo”.
“Shimo Daigo” has the main building and highlight.
Kami Daigo is very hard to go because there is located in the top of the mountain.
If you want to see the famous sights, only “Shimo Daigo” is enough.
4.Highlight of Shimo Daigo
Common ticket of three locations (¥ 1,500) is recommend.
This is “三宝院表書院(Sanboin)” of the national treasure.
This is “唐門(Kara-mon)” of the national treasure. Very luxurious decoration!!(○´艸`)
A wonderful fusuma(sliding door) picture is drawn on the fusuma(sliding door).
This garden is a wonderful Japanese garden which has been designated as a special scenic spot.

This is the Deva gate of the entrance.
This is “金堂(Kon-dou)” of the national treasure.
This is “五重塔(Five Storeyed Pagoda)” of the national treasure.
清瀧宮本殿(Main shrine of Seiryu-gu)
不動堂(Fudo-dou). Acala is worshiped.
観音堂(Kannon-dou). This is a current label place.
弁天堂(Benten-dou). The Sarasvati who is one of the Seven Deities of Good Luck is worshiped.
Shimo Daigo has the resting booth, too.
5.Highlight of Kami Daigo
You must climb the very steep mountain path(about 2.5km) on foot from Shimo Daigo to Kami Daigo.
Please climb Kami Daigo if interested because there are two buildings of the national treasure.
But I say an important thing once again.
“It is very hard to climb!!”
Me? I climbed it… I was tired very much…
When you climb it, let’s take mobile clothes and water by all means!
This is the 女人堂(Nyonin-dou) in the starting point of a mountain climb of Kami Daigo.
The mountain trail of Kami Daigo is charged(¥600).
Let’s climb a mountain after cleansing your hands here.
OK, Mountain climbing is start! I was still cheerful…
Mountain road is in good condition. But you continue climbing such a steep stairs all the time(About 2.5km).
I finally arrive at Kami Daigo when I continue climbing the mountain path endlessly about one hour.
This is “清滝宮拝殿(The front shrine of Kiyotaki shrine)” of the national treasure.
The water springing out of the Mt. Daigo is known as “Daigo water(miraculous water)”. (You can really drink this water.)
This is “薬師堂(Yakushi-dou)” of the national treasure. It is built in Christian era 913 years, and there is the history more than 1,000 years.
This building can enter inside.
如意輪堂(Nyoirin-dou). It is important cultural property.
開山堂(Kaizan-dou). It is important cultural property.
Very tired…
6.Goshuin of Daigo-ji Temple
There is Goshuin(shrine seal or stamp) of some kinds in Daigo-ji Temple. This time, I got Goshuin(shrine seal or stamp) issued by 薬師如来(Bhaisajyaguru) who was a principal idol of Daigo-ji Temple.
7.How to get to Daigo-ji Temple
The nearest station of Daigo-ji Temple is “Kyoto City Subway Daigo Station”.
■Daigo Station → Daigo-ji Temple
About 15 minutes walk.
5 minutes by taxi.(About 620 yen.(Starting fare))
How did you like it?
Please try to go.
Have a nice trip! XD
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