
  1. Leave contact information to a family and an acquaintance.
  2. Know the details of the earthquake.
  3. Road traffic information
  4. Transportation information
  5. Contact lists for overseas travelers.
  6. Disaster information smartphone apps for overseas travelers

1.Leave contact information to a family and an acquaintance.

■ Disaster Emergency Message Dial

Phone Number:171 (Manual

■DisasterMessage Board web171(Japanese,English,Chinese)

2.Know the details of the earthquake.

■Earthquake Information of Japan Meteorological Agency.

■Twitter of  Japan Meteorological Agency.

3.Road traffic information

■East Nippon Expressway Company Limited

4.Transportation information

■Goo Transportation information(google automatic translation)

5.Contact lists for overseas travelers.

■Embassies and Consulates in Japan

■JNTO TIC (Tourist Information Center)

■Japan Police

Urgent 110
Lost and Found +81-3-3814-4151
General Information +81-3-3501-0110 (Japanese/English)
+81-3-3503-8484 (English & Several Other Foreign Languages)

■The medical institution which can accept a foreign visitors to Japan.

6.Disaster information smartphone apps for overseas travelers

